Cannot Reproduce

Thassarian aboard the Skybreaker wants you to use the Partitioned Flask at each of the 3 Cultists' Cauldrons at Aldur'thar, then bring it to Chief Engineer Boltwrench.

I smell their cauldrons from here, but that's not plague they're cooking. Pledges to the cult are forced to drink a concoction that steals their will and enslaves them forever to the Lich King. Some say the potion contains the twisted soul of a being who was tormented before being mercilessly slaughtered, but I've never been able to reproduce it... Fill this flask with a sample from each of the three cauldrons in the northwest region of the gate and bring it to Chief Engineer Boltwrench.



Whatdya got there, <Race>?

<Boltwrench pours the contents of the flask into his tetrahydroparticle analyzer.> What we have here is a simple failure to conglomerate...

You will receive:

7 Gold
40 Silver
20 Gold
63 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 22050 experience