Ancient Relics

Return 10 Relics of Ulduar to Rork Sharpchin in Frosthold.

Why hello thar! Before you be headin' off to do your grand questin' and adventure, might I beg a wee favor of ya, <lad:lass;? These mountains be packed full'a precious relics and baubles... this place be a dream come true for tha league. I'd be much obliged if ya could bring any such treasures you stumble upon back ta me. You can even share in me ale for tha trouble! Trust me $G lad/lass>, that's a rich deal!



Did ya find some o' dem relics for me?

Beaut! Yer a good one you are. Tilt one back wi' me! Let us celebrae' this glorious find!


You will also receive:

6 Gold
80 Silver
19 Gold
76 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 21600 experience
  • 250 reputation with Explorers' League
Quest Item Drops