Song of Fecundity

Soo-nee at Rainspeaker Canopy wants you to go to the Stormwright's Shelf, northwest of the Maker's Perch, and play the Horn of Fecundity near 8 piles Soaked Fertile Dirt.

The storm is a destructive force. Storm burns trees. Storm floods houses. But storm can also be life force if you know right song. In Stormwright Shelf, above Maker's Perch, you can find small dirt mounds. They very fertile -- they carry inside a strong seed. All they wait for is the right song. You take this horn and play song for them.



You learn fast, <Name>. You learn that song well. Maybe next time I teach you different song.

You will receive:

7 Gold
40 Silver
20 Gold
63 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 22050 experience
  • 250 reputation with The Oracles