Through Fields of Flame

Enter the Ruby Dragonshrine through one of the northern or southern passes, then kill 6 Frigid Necromancers and eliminate the source of the corruption under the shrine. Return to Ceristrasz once the task is complete.

I have one final task for you, <Race>... one that should turn the tide of this fight. Return to the shrine and kill the necromancers that are fueling this onslaught. With them dead, we should be able to beat these forces back and eventually retake the shrine. I also need you to find the source of the corruption under the shrine and put an end to it. I know I have asked a lot of you, but if you do this for me, we will win this battle.



You've returned! Have you don as I've asked of you?

Dahlia... they turned her? Dahlia has been loyal to us for a very long time... if they can corrupt a being of her devotion, it does not bode well for the rest of the young races. Thank you for freeing her. I hope she has found some peace. You have honored us with your selfless assistance today, <Race>. I will send word to the council of what your kind have accomplished here. Go with our blessing.


You will also receive:

11 Gold
80 Silver
27 Gold
52 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 26200 experience
  • 250 reputation with The Wyrmrest Accord