Stop the Plague

Sage Highmesa, standing just south of The Dens of Dying, has asked you to use Highmesa's Cleansing Seeds at a Den of Dying Plague Cauldron to neutralize it.

I'm convinced that the plague is being caused by something in the caves up there. <Class>, I want you to take these seeds. I normally use them as a ward against the Scourge, though perhaps they can be used to disrupt whatever foulness is happening in the dens. Find the source of the plague and throw them into it.



<The sage hangs her head and sighs in relief.> This is a good start. If only that were our only problem.


You will also receive:

4 Gold
70 Silver
7 Gold
10 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 4000 experience
  • 250 reputation with The Taunka