Crush the Dawnblade

Magister Ilastar at Sun's Reach Armory wants you to slay 6 Dawnblade Summoners, 6 Dawnblade Blood Knights and 3 Dawnblade Marksmen.

We've driven the Dawnblade army out of the Sun's Reach Harbor. Sun's Reach is ours in its entirety. Yet somehow... I'm not entirely satisfied. I want you to go to Dawnstar Village, west of here, and slay any surviving Dawnblade combatants. They sealed their fate when they followed Kael to this place.



Have you slain the Dawnblade scum, <Name>?

What thoughts go through Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider's head when he hears of his armies' defeats? Does he feel despair? Helplessness? Fear? I sure hope so.

You will receive:

4 Gold
40 Silver
5 Gold
15 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 1250 experience
  • 250 reputation with Shattered Sun Offensive