Demolishing Megalith

Defeat Megalith and return to Sage Edan at Camp Winterhoof.

Binder Murdis created Megalith to be a kind of keystone for the runed giants and to lead them in their mission. Defeating Megalith will leave them lost and without direction. I will ask Chieftain Ashtotem to divert some of our men as we move north and dedicate them to eliminating the last of the runed giants. Without their giants, the Iron Dwarves cannot stand against us. Search the foothills of Frostblade Peak, north of Giants' Run for Megalith and defeat him!



Do you bring news of Megalith's downfall?

You've done well in felling Megalith, but I wonder about his final words. You're sure he said the Stoneforge? It is not a name our people know, but it sounds like it might be a creation of the "titans" the ousiders speak of. The Iron Dwarves have ever been a cunning and dangerous foe, <Name>. We must watch these giants and find this Stoneforge before they can carry out their plans.

You will receive:

10 Gold
16 Gold
9 Silver
at max level)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 10150 experience
  • 350 reputation with The Taunka